7 Easy Hacks To Transform Your Space Without Breaking The Bank

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The idea is to make sure everything is creatively and strategically placed and you will get the room of your dreams instead of a hot mess.  
a beautiful home décor

It doesn’t matter whether you are renovating your space or furnishing an empty space, it doesn’t necessarily come cheap; especially when you really want to put life into it. Because truly, you could decide to throw every cheap thing you can find together with the essentials and keep it moving.

But is that what you want of a place that should serve as your safe place? Think about it; we leave our homes to hustle and bustle in order to make a living. And that comes with a lot of stress and pressure. Surely, the least we could expect is that when we get home, our space comforts and makes us feel better. 

So, it calls to reason that we put more thought into designing our homes. But how do we do that without breaking the bank? That’s the question that this post hopes to answer. Follow us as we show you 7 easy hacks to transform your space without breaking the bank.

  1. Make Use of Aesthetically-Pleasing Small Things 

Have you ever heard the saying, “it’s the small things that matter?” If you have, know that this doesn’t only apply to relationships, it applies to interior decor as well. You could get very small decorative pieces that would make a world of difference in your room.

For instance, do you have a green thumb? Then look into getting plants that can be placed at conspicuous or random places in your room. You can even hang it on the walls or ceilings! However, you must be sure to know what type of plant it is and if it is getting the necessary sunlight wherever it is placed. If you can’t go through that whole trouble, then you should consider getting the fake ones; they’d still get the job done. 

Also, if you like scents, you can get beautiful aromatic diffusers or scented candles that would not only make sure your room is always smelling nice but will also beautify the space. And if you like art, you may want to look into getting different art pieces up on your wall or placed strategically in your space. There are a lot of small decorative pieces that, when combined with other well-thought designs, can give your space style.  

The good thing about these things is that they come in different sizes and price ranges. So, you don’t have to spend a lot to own a few. Check out our decorative pieces. 

  1. Make Use of Thrift or Antique Shops

If you want to transform your space without breaking the bank, there is hardly any way you won’t need to visit thrift or antique shops. But you’ll be surprised how much valuable and beautiful furniture or other decorative pieces you can get in a thrift or antique shop. It might take time to get the exact stuff that fits your design as shopping at thrift shops is a good example of looking for a needle in a haystack. However, it’s totally worth it because it saves you the money you’d have spent getting new ones and you really can find a lot of gems at thrift shops. 

To save you time though, you might want to do a bit of research and a lot of browsing online to know the design you are going for and the things to look out for before shopping. We’d recommend, however, that you should still keep an open mind because you never know what you may find. So, while it is necessary to be prepared, keep an open mind. 

transform your space without breaking the bank
  1. Always Look Out for Sales

Whether online or on-site, almost every brand has a time or season where they give discounts, do promos or giveaways. Some people also do yard sales in order to get rid of old furniture and objects to make room for new. It is advisable that you make your research to know such times so that you can make use of such opportunities to get all you’ll need to make a total revamp at little cost.

  1. Make Use of Your Talent or That of Those Around You

Do you have a knack for DIY or do you have an artistic hand? Then you should consider doing some of the decoration yourself instead of contracting it to someone else. You could even take it up a notch by inviting family and friends to handle other things that they are probably good at or just to lend you a hand. Trust us, decoration done that way feels much more personal and satisfying not to mention, fun and cheap. 

  1. Engage in Market Survey 

If you have a list of the furniture or other decorative objects you want to get, it gives your purchasing process a structure. You can visit different outlets – both online and on-site – to scope out prices and make comparisons. This way, you get to know what fits into your budget or places you can get more for less. 

  1. Go All Out on Throw Pillows and Rugs 

Throw pillows and rugs make your space stunning without losing design subtlety. Having a new rug placed at the center of your room or throw pillows artistically scattered around your room gives it a major facelift and makes your space more cheery. And if you get the color combinations right especially, you’d really not have to do much to have a beautiful space. So don’t be afraid to explore when it comes to rugs and throw pillows. Of course, there is also something to be said for too much of anything. So, don’t over-saturate the space as well; which brings us to the last point. 

  1. Less is More 

It is very easy to think that you need to occupy every space on the wall or every inch of the room when decorating. This is not necessarily so; in fact, cluttering is never a good idea. Therefore, work with just enough decorative pieces and colors; two or three colors are enough. The idea is to make sure everything is creatively and strategically placed and you will get the room of your dreams instead of a hot mess.  

We hope you found this article helpful and now you know how to transform your space without breaking the bank. Let us know in the comment section what other hacks you’d recommend. 



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EDENSDECOR offer a stunning array of artistic designs with impeccable flair and sophistication created by us and some of the finest interior designers around the world without that luxury price tag. Whether looking for a bright and cheerful home decor item to liven up a room, or more of a timeless traditional design , we can help you create the perfect ambiance for your space.

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